Why For It Be So Cold?

We got 4 or 5 inches of snow yesterday and this morning it's -12 degrees, with a -30 windchill. Our crappy aluminum windows have frozen and my office looks like the interior of the Rebel Alliance's base on Hoth. When I got up this morning Opie was sleeping on the bed and his fur was cold, and when I petted him he asked me for a second fur coat for Christmas. Today is the winter solstice as well, the official start of winter. Three more months of fun!

Why couldn't this winter have occurred last year, while I was tucked safely away in mild Boise, Idaho? They'd only plowed three times since 1989.

Oh well. Luckily I have that fur coat P-Diddy gave me at the Grammy's...I think it's made out of ox fur. It smells musky.


starshrines said...

Hoth - ha!

Michelle said...

Welcome home, Bloggy!

David Oppegaard said...

Yeah. No kidding.

Missy said...

What color fur coat does Opie want?

David Oppegaard said...

wait a second. it says -11 degrees this morning. I thought today was supposed to be warmer?


It's way too cold for my liking either. :)

David Oppegaard said...

Maybe we should all go on weather strike. I'll ask the cat to draw up the papers and then we'll all go to Trinidad to body surf.

starshrines said...

Yes, Opie's good at drawing up papers. Or is that sitting on papers?

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