Last Day In Boise

Today's our last day in Boise. Almost a year ago, exactly, we headed out west with the two most fully packed cars known to man and one hellaciously grumpy cat. It's tempting at a moment like this to wax philosophic about "what it all means", this improbable year 1,500 miles from where Sarah and I previously lived our entire lives, but I think such waxing would fail to get at the core of what it's all meant, or even approach that core. Especially since I don't have a fucking clue what it's all meant, and I don't expect to fully understand this year for many years to come, if I ever do.

I can say it's been good for everyone involved, and we now return stronger, fatter, and possessed of the knowledge that we can survive beyond the milky bosom of the Land of 10,000 Lakes. If anything, this year will act as a bookmark in the whirlwind that will be our lives, creating a Before Boise and an After Boise breathing point. B.B. & A.B., if you will.

As the proud co-captain/instigator of this mission, I'd like to say I couldn't have had a better crew to travel with, even if we had our occasional differences (I'm looking at you, cat. Stop biting that cord).

So here's to you, Boise. Stay beautiful, anarchic, and mad, mad, mad.


Sgt. Misty Peppers said...

Bon Voyage! Get a sack of Boise potatoes for me!

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