
I can't seem to do anything but watch football on TV today. This is fucking pathetic. I should be doing something productive. I should be doing anything, anything at all not involving football on TV. Don't you think I know this? But here I am. Postively mired in the quaqmire of mind numbing, keep-the-proletariat-masses-happy-with-shiny-shiny-NFL-football.

Part of this, perhaps, can be blamed on my blossoming love for fantasy football and the strange new importance it lends to otherwise dull and meaningless games (I'm watching the Redskins-Cowboys game just to make sure T.O. doesn't catch two touchdowns). But I think the majority of the blame can be pinned on my lazy, lazy ass.

What I really should be doing is writing. Right? Write! But that's what my conscience always, always, always thinks I should be doing, and it drives me crazy. Sometimes I actually don't write anything for days just to teach it a lesson, which just makes me unhappier overall and sort of feeds into the wicked cycle of laziness-as-internal-weapon.

At least I'm doing my laundry right now. Sometimes, on those dreary Johnny Cash-type Sundays, I can't even make myself do that, and I end up waking up early to do my laundry on Mondays and often wear kahki pants to work still damp from and overloaded dryer.

I can never decide if it's good to keep constantly busy, so much so that life passes very quickly, or to sort of hang around and mull it all over. That's what you're really doing when you write; you mull, you mull and mull, even if you don't really know what "mull" actually means or what it's derived from.


I am way too lazy to be a farmer.


David Oppegaard said...

I am so freakin American. Maybe I should be dropped off in the middle of Nairobi and forced to hike across the world in sandals.

That would teach me not to whine!

David Oppegaard said...

Note: T.O. should have been smacked in the filming of this blog.

neha said...

I am so glad you explained the nuances of writing - mulling is the way to go, that's it.

Becca said...

My weekend was similar. One load of laundry. Some long-over-due correcting. The rest was a black hole of time.

At least you blogged.

Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration, but your mind and body probably had some benefit from the rest.

Meanwhile, I was actually kind of productive on my schoolwork and I read a whole novel in 1 day, something I enjoy doing but rarely take the time to do.

PS: I am so antsy for my Fantasy footbal scores.

PPS: We should watch football together sometime. Maybe I could learn something.

Rand said...

This sounds like Tellon's dilemma!

Too much mulling. Not enough hard-working.

Anonymous said...

Tellon's dilemma- One day there will be a PhD thesis or two dedicated to this.

Something dirty said...

Is mulling derived from cider?

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