Isolated, or Free?

I have no internet in my enormous apartment. This frees up all sort of time I really don't need, since I always have freetime. I feel as I've been severed from an entire universe, pretty much 50% of my friends. But who needs friends, or computer football, or access to your bank accounts and e-mail and local news and international news? Not me! I am free, free from everything! Or am I isolated? I don't know. I can't go on the internet to find out, must content myself with furtive blogging at work, where my boss may pop up behind me at any moment and yell at me for blogging. I know this: you truly don't know what you have till it's gone, gone, gone.


Lucas said...

I vote that you are free. We are seriously in danger of losing the parts of our brains that dance around when not being bombarded by media. When it's quiet and there's no TV or computer to occupy you, your brain gets its fresh air. It goes on walks and meanders down paths it's chosen at random. It's a lazy stroll on a perfect day. The brain gets to stretch it's legs in a relaxed manor and in some cases, those stretches lead to decisions or conclusions that you couldn't have arrived at with the TV blaring. I think it's very important to continue to allow the brain to do that. Embrace it Blogagaard. Your brain will thank you.

L said...

I'm afraid Blogagaard will erupt in isolation. He is a vortex. And with no outlet I'm afraid his energy will spin and spin within him and bad things will come of it.

neha said...

go and see real people on the real street. say hello, and then chuckle as you decide they are as bad as you imagined!!

must be hard blogging with the boss threatening to jump at any minute (is he reading this?) I would have a screaming fit if people did that me - jumping behind me suddenly - that is.

Something dirty said...

Think of it as being on a "media diet". You are cleansing your mental palate. The Internet will be so much more delicious when you have full access to its smorgasbord again. You can conjure moral superiority on par with the most pretentious people you come across!

Anonymous said...

Dear Blogagaard,

I believe that the lightening strike was a gift from the writing gods. It has freed your time so that you can read and write more, the true joys in your life. (Madden football, blah, who needs that? It just clouds your clairty.)


David Oppegaard said...

I have driven to the Hamline library this crisp clear Sunday afternoon just to use the Internet. I had to wait outside for the library to open. I sat on this cold stone bench and stared into the blue sky and listened to the trees blow in the October wind. I am clarity itself!

Tonight I go bowling with the West Egg Literatti, so Brady, do not worry, I will erupt on them.

Something dirty said...

If I were to stop my extracurricular i-net use at work, perhaps I could reach clarity. Or I'd just read tabloids all day. I mean, I'd work. A lot.

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