Crazy Love
I was just talking to a friend of mine who said her grandparents were deeply in love well into their eighties. They'd hold hands, flirt, kiss in public, etc. They had the crazy love. When the grandmother died of heart failure in her late eighties, the grandfather stopped eating and died soon after.
Would a love like this be enough to give your life meaning? Do you think it's a little depressing if your whole reason for living is one person and one person only, or is it noble and romantic? I'd like to think I could walk on after anyone died, no matter how heavy my heart, but maybe that's just something I tell myself to get by. Maybe love is a lottery, and only a few ever get crazy love.
But to quote Greg Brown, "Even the longest love don't last all that long."
I know this won't win me any friends, but I believe I have that crazy kind of love. I've been married for 11 years and I see myself easily making it to the old and pruney phase of my life with my husband. The great thing about him is that while we are in all things together, I have not now nor will I ever, lose myself in him or our relationship. That's the goal anyway. Should he die tomorrow, after a long stint in a rubber room, I'm sure I'd emerge to continue on with my life, with a broken heart and quite a few shades of my "shine" dulled. However, if I were in my 80's or 90's and he died, I could see giving up the pureed food and doing what I could to join him sooner rather than later. Afterall, what fun are dentures and diapers if you can't share them with the one you love?
Oh, lucas. I hate you. But it's not your fault, and what do you care with your blissfulness and stuff? I am merely jealous.
I knew I wouldn't win any popularity contests with that comment but after 11 years, I'm used to people hating me because I married well. I get them to like me again by flashing my boobs whenever I've had a few too meeny martoonis. And the beat goes on.
Whackly is upset, bloppegaard. I believe there is crazy love and I'm not sure who gets it or why. Did you try to sell your ceramics on Whackly's blog? You can sell them on mine, if you want. But don't keep advertising your goods on Whackly's blog, please. He's serious, unless you think the person you were trying to attract back to your blog is your crazy love soul-mate, in which case that seems fair, but maybe you should make a payment to Whackly for taking up his real estate.
Yeah, My bad, Whackly. I thought it was Something Dirty's blog I was posting on. Call off your dogs, man.
Lucas, I am happy for your crazy love. At least it happens to some people, and maybe the fact that it exists at all is the very key to the universe.
I haven't sicked any dogs. If I was going to sick dogs I would sick (is sick, in this context, spelled this way?) dogs on you for deleting my comments here.
Seriously whackly, chill out. You are not playing nice.
Also, lucas, I really salute your happy marriage. Gotta love that love. Don't need to see your boobs. But these martoonis you speak of -- they sound delicious.
I tried to play nice by buuying up to Lucas ina pseudo pervo way but my comment got deleted. Who solicits witty comments from random strangers and then deletes them? Honestly! You, better than most, know that I'm not serious. It's just part of my online "Whackly Mystique" and I must maintain it. Everone here would know that if the read my blog.
You came to my blog once. Please come again. It's Mental Fiber. Remember, that's Mental Fiber. That's m-e-n-t-a-l f-i-b-e-r, Mental Fiber. Don't forget to come comment on Mental Fiber! Only 3 affordable payments of $19.95 for Mental Fiber!
Do Oppegard and the Dirty One have an unpsoken, mutual "thing" going on?
Shhhh. (If anyone speaks about it, won't be an unspeakable thing, will it? It will be spoken, and like the 7th seal being ripped asunder, thunder will fill the world. Christ, why am I blogging at 2:26 AM? )
Okay, it's 2:36. Why am I checking for new posts? Geoff, wake up already!
Wow! So much happens while I'm asleep. Whackly, while your deleted post was slightly pervy, I thought your picture was funny. Like your nose was pressed against glass. And I did mention boobs so what can I expect. Thanks for all that saluted my crazy love. Maybe guys tend to raise their glass to it. Girls mostly just sneer while they try to push me off my cloud. I do wish more people could have what I do. The security that comes with it is something so warm and wonderful but it isn't at all stifling which may be the key.
Was my "y" key not working properly at work yesterday? I'm ignore my own typos all the time but my last few posts are a work of art!
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