Weird Dinner Party

My aunt B.L. lives within a five minute walk from my new apartment and tonight I walked on over and ate a lot of good food with my mother's side of the family and my stepdad, Tom. We're in the middle of dinner, feeling good and drinking wine, when someone pounds on the door. B.L. shouts "Come in!" but the voice behind the door shouts back "I don't think so!" For the first time ever, after a brief arguement, I'm sitting at the end of the table, nearest to the front door, and I stand up from the table. "Should I get the door?" I ask. Everyone else just stares at me, frozen. I am the youngest person in the room by about thirty years, and I'm used to being the kid. Suddenly I realize that if this a stick-up I'm the most able bodied person available to deal with the perp, and, more than that, every one else is scared. So I go to the door, imagining that I will be shot, and outside there's a lady looking sweaty and angry. It's dark outside, did I say that yet? It's dark and getting darker, and she's got one dog by the leash and another dog by the collar.

"Is this your dog?" she shouts.

I look down to see Ruby, my aunt's two year old golden retriever, looking inexpressably happy.

"No," I say. "It's my aunt's dog."

"Well, I found her lying in the middle of the road (a busy road, in the dark) and my dog's not very friendly."

"Sorry, " I say. "She must have gotten out of the backyard (there's a swinging door with a latch). " I take Ruby the Runner by the collar and pull her inside. "Thanks," I say, "This dog is like her baby."

"Yeah," the lady says, and charges off into the night with her unfriendly dog. I return to the dinner party, make my report along with the excited, happy Ruby, and from there a palpable pall settles over the party as my aunt threatens to kill Milt, who had told her the dog was outside and just fine.

I was gone in ten minutes.


L said...

What is the moral of this story?

Make sure the fence door is latched?

Always leave a party 10 minutes after saving the host's dog?

David Oppegaard said...

Who said this was a morality tale?

Who are you, Jimmy Swaggert?

David Oppegaard said...

Fine. Let's say the moral is...never sit near the front door at a party or you might be the first to die.

Anonymous said...


Seriously, that dog gets run over?

$$$$ down the drain :-(. Poor Milt.

neha said...

ok this is out of context - but look at this poem -

oh and why would anybody come to your door to kill you? and with a dinner party going on too - we've all seen enuf hollywood movies to know that is silly!! ;P

David Oppegaard said...

Okay, Neha, that is one long rhyming essay of criticism. Bu tmy friends, I fear Alexander Pope has nailed us all to the wall:

And while Self-Love each jealous Writer rules,
Contending Wits becomes the Sport of Fools:

Why did you want me to read this essay, Mysterious Neha? Pray tell.

David Oppegaard said...

Hey Brady, I've got a new moral for you: Dogs that lie down with asphalt may be doomed to live short lives. Or is that a fortune? We should all write fortune cookies.

Geoff Herbach said...

I got this fortune in a cookie last night:

"You will own a motel of 200 rooms and be found dead in every one of them."

I'm not too pscyhed about this fortune. I'm not sure what it means, but it doesn't seem good.

If any of you come to my house for a dinner party, I promise I'll be the one to get the door should some stranger knock.

L said...

I just always expect a moral from you, Mr. Oppegaard.

Anonymous said...

Rubie just wanted to lie down somewhere warm and cozy, like the asphalt.

Mean people shouldn't be allowed to have dogs, or babies.


neha said...

i wanted you to read the essay because...
i dont know, why should i be the only one to waste time reading 20 pages long poetry!!

(but did you read the whole thing?)

David Oppegaard said...

I read most of it, very quickly. Is that really your reason? I read it and I have a lot of free time. I have always had more free time than anyone else I've ever known, through college and everything. it's like a strange free time vacuum opens around me, no matter how much time I spend writing and reading. Even when I've had full-time jobs and been going to grad school...

David Oppegaard said...


I also like to lay down on something warm and cozy. I skip the asphalt and go straight to my long couch, where I sleep beneath a very bright floorlamp and pretend I'm at the beach.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the irrelevant blogspam on my blog. I love it.

David Oppegaard said...

I wish I had a vast mansion, and I could host a dinner party like the one in The Great Gatsby. I would invite the whole world to it, and everyone would sparkle.

Something dirty said...

If it was blogspam (I don't believe it was), isn't calling it irrelevant redundant?
I think the moral of the story is don't hang out with your family. Funerals & weddings only, people.

David Oppegaard said...

Thank you for your support, Something Dirty. It was the only way I could contact you. I hate spam as much as anybody...It's hard not to hang out with your relatives when one lives three blocks away, but I see your point. I already told them I couldn't make Thanksgiving...

Unknown said...

It was blogspam. The only difference was that his was focused on enticing one particular person. The post made no mention of the material in the blog entry he commented on. It only said something like "You came to my blog once. Please come again. It's Blogagaard. Remember, that's Blogagaard. That's b-l-o-g-a-g-a-a-r-d, Blogagaard. Don't forget to come comment on Bloggagard! Only 3 affordable payments of $19.95 for Blogagaard!" If it had contained flashing contrasting colors it would have been a Spoonguard advertisement. So, in conclusion.... "You came to my blog once. Please come again. It's Infertile Vertical. Remember, that's Infertile Vertical. That's I-n-f-e-r-t-i-l-e V-e-r-t-i-c-a-l, Infertile Vertical. Don't forget to come comment on Infertile Vertical. Only 3 affordable payments of $19.95 for Infertile Vertical!

P.S. Calling it irrelevant isn't redundant. At least some blog spammers (the ones who actually do it in person because when the security crap is turned on and the blogspam bots don't work) have the courtesy to say something relevant to the post they are commenting on. They show they have at least read your post rather than just showing up as a random stranger out of nowhere and saying "Dear Something Dirty,

You once commented on my travel blog about Climax, MN, via the brand new blogagaard, yet you have not returned since. We here at blogagaard miss you, and wish you would come back and visit once more, making as many witty comments as you deem fit. We believe if you give us a chance, we will provide at least two minutes of entertainment a day, which is more than I can say about daytime programing when you don't have cable. That goes for anyone else reading this popular and humerous blog.

Sincerely, "

I'm not trying to be rude here and had, up until this point, thought it was funny but Something Dirty ahs some kind of inferiority complex thing going that causes her to nitpick the most asinine crap even when it's clear that it's pointless. But, alas, if it wasn't for making yourself feel smarter than other people by arguing semantics that have little to do with the point what would be the fun in living, right? What would I know about fun? I don't drink and hang out in bars so I don't know how to have it, anyway. I guess that means that it doesn't matter what I say. If you don't want to believe something is blogspam that makes it not blogspam, even if it fills all the requirements of blogspam.

Unknown said...

Also... What kind of bitchy lady gets mad at you because HER dog is unfriendly? She had a choice. She didn't have to try and return your Aunt's dog. She could have shoo'd him away and continued on her way. I think you should have punched her in the mouth.

David Oppegaard said...

I don't punch people. Sorry.

Unknown said...

And that's why you'll never get arrested for battery.

Unknown said...

You know I was originally gonna say "Yeah, I'm proud of being a pussy too." but decided given the general uptight climate over here such comments would not go over very well. Upon re-read, though, I think I should have said it.

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