Where's Jimi?

I've been listening to Hendrix today and man, you forget how good he was. He's just on another level of guitar existence. Where's today's Jimi, I wonder? I want another guitar god to emerge, someone so good everyone must stop and bow. I don't want your Buckethead, your Silky Santana, your Jeff Beck, your faded legends of days long gone. I want the Luke Skywalker of guitar players to emerge and lead us out of the iPod darkness that threatens to engulf us all.


Geoff Herbach said...

I play three chords. Sometimes, if it is humid, and I am particularly limber, I can manage 4 chords. Can I be your guitar man.

I don't think life is meaningless. Life can be snatched for no reason, which is shit. You can make all kinds of meaning. You make good meaning, blogagaard.

Steph Wilbur Ash said...

Eddie Vanhalen?

David Oppegaard said...

Eddie Van Halen belongs to the washed out legends of yore. He was great, but there needs to be another. Perhaps this future great was born in the 90's...

L said...

The guitar god is a dated creature, Mr. Oppegaard. There will never be another. Mostly because the guitar solo is derivative. The number of people who want to sit and listen to a guitar solo is minimal. A lick here and there, sure, that's fine, but get on with it.

I say good day.

Geoff Herbach said...

This is the era of the three tenors, Dave. Get over your backwards guitar rock fetish. It's time to sing.

David Oppegaard said...

Actually, we're in the age of digitilized, over-produced crap. Our supermodels are fake, our music is fake, our "moral values" are fake, our piety is fake, our gods are fake, our "reality TV" is fake, your boss is probably fake, the worth of our homes is fake, our breasts are fake, our cheeks eyes and throats are fake, our movies are all special effects or else their fake attempts at really gritty film making (see: The Blair Whitch Project) Even my despair, as I write this, is fake.

Anonymous said...

Zac Wylde baby. Dimebag too, that guy could play...

David Oppegaard said...

Zac Wylde, Mike? This is a serious blog. And dimebag is dead.

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