Labor-The Neccessary Evil
Today I returned after a wonderful 4 month break to the eye clinic I've worked at since fall of 2002. I had forgotten about all the pride swallowing one does at a job, all the crap you have to take just to remain employed. I've got nothing against hard work, I actually like doing all the little receptionist crap, but it's the craziness of working for someone else that gets me down. What if every writer had someone bossing them around? Delete that comma. Make that love scene more believable. You call that a metaphor?
Oh, wait. That's what editors do.
Write monkey, write.
I'd gladly work for an editor. Editor would have to pay me. Not other way around.
My boss told me today that when his wife, who also works in the office, gives me something to do I shouldn't "ask stupid questions and just do it".
well it sure doesnt sound too good. but the boss seems to be just sharing wisdom - learnt from experience - rather than telling you off. i mean, the guy really wishes well.
(btw, i just posted another comment on an earlier entry)
I'd gladly work for an editor too. Right now I work for two pre-schoolers. I haven't seen a goddamn check and when I'm old, they'll almost certainly hire an ex-con to wipe my ass and make me sit in front of Matlock.
At least you have off-hours, O.P.P.
you guys are right. You're all so very right.
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