With the help of my friend Kelly, we now have a great new look for Deep Thoughts With Blogagaard. Not only that, but I plan to blog much more frequently now and talk about writing more, etc., in anticipation of Wormwood, Nevada's release in little over two months.
I've been blogging on this very site since 2005 and this is only the third template change for the blog. Hopefully it will attract nothing but scintillating conversation; please think of Deep Thoughts as 2009's answer to the 1920's Paris...
Also in the works is a new look for my author website, so stay tuned, people!
I quite enjoy the new look. It's always nice to update the image once in a while.
Thanks, Adam! Kelly and I spent literally two hours squinting at the html behind the flash this evening. I am not cut out for the html life, I think.
Great work!
Does this mean you won't post any more awesome poetry? ^_^
Great, now my name up there looks like, "amy". At least on my computer it does. Damn it. I'm getting too old for the internet.
Don't worry about it, Amy!
I don't know. Maybe I'll get the urge to go back to Relative Poetry sometime and do more poetic damage...
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