Blogagaard Goes to the Gym

I know, I know. You must be confused by the title of this post. Gym? Blogagaard? Dave Blogagaard? But yes, it's true! I tagged along with my friend Mike today to the Baley's on University, inspired by the utmost shame at my sea lion physique, most noticeable to myself on the trip the Oregon coast. And what a sweaty orgy I endured! The weight lifting, the walking machine thing, the thick necked muscle bound men and women!

Actually, it was alright. I sweated like a mean monsoon and feel good. Mike was like my own personal trainer and now the machines aren't totally incomprehensible. So this is the "exercise" I've heard so much about. Hmmm. Maybe I'll get a membership when my ship comes in. Anything is possible. I'm even eating and drinking less in hopes of working on my sea lion issues. Can this last more than a week?

Tune in to find out, you skinny fuckheads!


mm said...

Somehow I knew that would turn into a blog entry...

Missy said...

Ha! Mikey!

David Oppegaard said...

I'll turn both of you into blog entries, you scamps!

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