Into the Rough

I finished the rough draft of Wormwood, Nevada earlier this week. The draft took roughly fourteen months to finish but the majority of it was written here in Boise, in the last four and a half months. The story did that thing where it takes over on its own and it finished about 25 pages sooner than I thought it would, but I think it's a good sign when the writing runs away from you like that. Now I'll set the draft aside and let it cool for a month to get some perspective from it. In the meantime I'm going to read more and study some cosmology. I was always bad at science in school, especially the math part, but I do like learning ideas and theories about the universe.

I also finished The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. Good book, but I still hold that about 200 pages of the manuscript could have been cut out, especially in the first half of the novel.

Well, happy Thanksgiving, y'all. We're going to fondue it.

"It should be called fun-do!"

-Kitty, from "That 70's Show"


Ken McConnell said...

Congrats on finishing your draft! My shelves are full of cosmology books. I've always been an armchair cosmologist.

Curiously, since starting a family, I have no time for deep thoughts about the universe, at least not lengthy meditations anyway.

Lately, I have been more fascinated with biological diversity reading things like The Beak of the Finch and The God Delusion. But I could lapse back into it, especially after reading a post by Phil Plait.

David Oppegaard said...

Thanks, Ken! Happy turkey day. I wonder if there's a turkey constellation...

Aaron Wilson said...

You are a very hard working author. Congradulations on making it into the big leagues with "The Suicide Collectors."

It is good to know that Hamline writers are making it big.

Happy Turkey Weekend!

David Oppegaard said...

Hi Aaron! Good to hear from you, man. I don't know about making it big. I'll settle for just making it.

Missy said...

"I did it"

Fez on That 70's Show

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