A Day of Meetings

I don't post much about my job, but tommorow is the dreaded, every three or four month or so 8:30 AM "company" meeting. For me this involves geeting up about three hours earlier than normal, cramming fancy meeting bagels into my mouth like they're going to be taken away from me at any moment, and waiting patiently for the meeting to be over while hoping no one brings up the fact I blog, write 5 act plays, e-mail, surf craig's list, order products, check out ESPN.com (batting averages and all), read the news, check out movie schedules, do all my banking, and check out myspace while also peppering the average day with some actual work. Various resolutions to various clinic problems (most related to insuarnce billing) are suggested at these meetings, most of which I can't even pay attention to at the time, much less remember, and then nothing ever, EVER changes as a result of these meetings. Except maybe I gain weight from all the fucking bagels.

Later I'll be meeting my father at Kahn's Mongolian Barbacue (the one out in Roseville) for dinner. We try to find areas of the Twin Cities equally annoying for each of us to get to, since he lives out in Maple Grove and I live in St. Paul. "Hello, Father," I will say to him, "would you like peanuts with that hands free cell phone?"

On Saturday I will be 27 Earth years old. When I was eight I wanted to be a baseball player or a writer.


Becca said...

Happy Almost Birthday, Dave! 27 is an excellent age (3 cubed and all).

Geoff Herbach said...

A man once told me you turn 27 and the next morning you wake up and you're 40. That's not true. I turned 27 and the next morning I woke up and was 36. Regardless. 27 is something. Chatterbox!

Voix said...

Haven't you already written like 27 novels or something? Regardless, you're very accomplished for your age.

Happy early birthday. Enjoy the bagels, they're not as good when they aren't free.

Rand said...

Baseball player or writer.

At least you are one of the two!

You are batting .500 my friend.

And 27 is a fine age, a magic age, a time in your life when the mind is willing and the flesh is strong.

You are well on your way, Bloggy, to creating a very special life for yourself and for those of us who hover in orbit around your artistic genius.

Tellon lives!


David Oppegaard said...

Thanks Becca, I never considered the mathematical properties of my upcoming age. 27 is a number of power. By the way, the radio just said Duluth harbor is the warmest place in the state today.

Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Herbach.

Thanks, Michele! I try. I really try. I just want this family to be happy.

David Oppegaard said...

Thanks, Rand! .500's a fine average.

Tellon lives!

Anonymous said...

There is still time for that baseball career, it must feel good to check one thing off the list! As Tellon would say, FANTASTIC!

Meanwhile, I have a morning meeting every Monday am and I pray for free bagels, but it is usually coffee cake. Yummy, but not a free bagel.

My first job was at a bagel shop. I ate bagels all the time then, and we played hockey with them in the alley behind the store when they were a couple days old! Ah, good times. No meetings back then.

Alex said...

Nothing EVER changes as a result of corporate meetings. Which is why I now choose to only have meetings with my dog. We go over the past week, check in with each other. It's nice, lots of love and licks all around. But, no bagels.

I was in Northfield today David, thought of you the whole time.


Michelle said...

When I was 9 I wanted to be an "author."
I think you are doing pretty darn well, Dave! I'm trying to remember 27 -- it was the year everything in my life changed. I even got a new haircut.
Happy Birthday. Sorry to miss your fete.

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