Hardworking Update

Today David Sedaris left the apartment early clad solely in bubble wrap.  I told him that he would get too hot in such apparel, but he ignored my pleas and instead argued for both the aesthetic and safety values such an outfit would garner him, regardless of the raised eyebrows as he snap crackled and popped his way down West 7th St as he trudged to the Supervalu grocery store, a full three miles away from Blogagaard’s Fortress of Solitude.  He keeps saying they have the best creamed corn there, and I really have no idea.  I think the heat’s getting to him.

Meanwhile, I headed south two hours to my hometown, L.C., with my “The Hardworking Man From Nebraska” co-producer Todd and his girlfriend Missy.  Oh, the time we had, listening to my selection of 80’s hair rock tape cassettes while the sunroof was down and it was sunny, our hair all a-muss.  The main site we scouted, my grandparents’ farmstead, turned out to be even better for our purposes than we’d hoped.  Todd took around 700 photos while Missy delighted my grandparents by listening to every single story and viewing every single picture they could manage to bring out in the span of an hour.  

It looks like our first day of filming will be June 24th.  I’m currently negotiating with a church to hammer this location down, and they’ll be charging us a reasonable usage fee.  Hopefully the Tellon puppet suit will be ready for me by then, an inferno of sweatiness of my own device.  Our alien will composed mostly of felt and fur, two lovely summer combinations that should provide me with no end of delight.     


David Oppegaard said...

Tonight I am dogsitting my aunt's feral beast of a golden retriever. We've been discussing how nice it is that she has AC.

Something dirty said...

awesome. I love AC. It makes me happy and cool. I imagine feral beasts feel the same way.

Michelle said...

The Sedaris suit sounds like what Bruce Willis was wearing when he went back in time in 12 Monkeys. (Who knew Brad Pitt could really act?)

mm said...

Wait, you're going to wear the suit? You'll be the alien?

David Oppegaard said...


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