My New Personal Hero is Tony Soprano

"How you doing?"


David Oppegaard said...

I like the 1st season episode where Tony makes a guy take off his baseball cap in a fancy resteraunt and then, seconds later, has his waiter send over a fancy bottle of wine to the schmucks table. Tough love, people, tough love.

David Oppegaard said...

When you watch a bunch of Soprano episodes in a row you really start noticing how tame your own life is. I don't want to be a gangster, but I wouldn't mind being surrounded by more crackling dialogue and intrigue. The biggest intrigue in my work life is: "Who left this in the copier machine?"

Becca said...

Do metal detectors, locker searches, and death threats count as intrigue? Know of any Flack Jacket dealers? We still haven't caught the kid.

David Oppegaard said...

IS Tony a bad person? Or just misunderstood? He seems better than the dorks who work at Haliburton. Honest with people.

L said...

You should start wearing old man polos, Bloggy.

Jeff Smieding said...

I've never really seen the Sopranos, but I've got my hands full with Lost, Six Feet Under, Scrubs, Deadwood, and the occasional (and embarrasing) episode of the Gilmore Girls.

David Oppegaard said...

App, you missed my Gilmore Girls conversation With Captain, Eric, Jay...when we all admitted suddenly, in the dimest, groseest bar possible, that we all liked the show.

David Oppegaard said...

You're right, Inspektor and Col. Kurtz. It's never to early too throw in the clothing towel. Also, Deadwood is my next DVD season on my list from our local library. I've decided I don't really need to own anything TV, but I would like to see a select few shows...

Jeff Smieding said...

Too bad I missed that conversation. I have a friend who swears that the dialogue in Gilmore Girls is "based on a woman's actual inner monologue - it's how we think."

If that's true, I have a new and more intense fear of women.

L said...

I also like the Gilmore Girls.

Anonymous said...

Woo who, Gilmore Girl's!
Perhaps the show reasures women that we're not as neurotic as we could be.
PS - Apparition Jones - great happy dog pic. Feel free to post more pics like that.

David Oppegaard said...

Real qoute from season 1 finale episode:

"Cunnilingus and psychiatry have brought us to this."

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