Blogagaard Bravely Staving Off Sickness

I woke yesterday with a harsh scratchy throat. Those fuckers. They did it to me again. Viruses. Bacteria. Whatever. I will show them fear in a handful of throat lozenges. I have taken a multivitamin. I have drunken much tea. I have listened to Tom Petty's Wildflowers album five times. I have taken two baths. Last night I felt like I was floating around 1:30 AM. I love that feeling. Tonight I am going to keep up the good fight, drinking water and watching NBC's hit new show, My Name is Earl. I may also play computer football (contrary to some reports, I only have the 2004 edition, now 2 yrs. behind the newest modelo).

Feel free to comment on this post any way you choose. We here at Blogagaard are easily amused, especially when mildly feverish.


Voix said...

I'll only bring you soup if you put a link to me on the sidebar.

Blackmail? Why yes, yes it is.

Something dirty said...

Watch The Office too. Of course, in your weakened state, you won't be able to change the channel after the paroxysms of laughter Earl inspires.

Does anyone want a fake fortune told? It would possibly be amusing to someone with a fever. I know I enjoyed it immensely, because it's very stupid.

David Oppegaard said...

Sorry, Michele, I've been procrastinating updating my links because I am lazy.

I am watching The Office as we speak. I would love a fake fortune told to me.

Something dirty said...

Whee! Ask the mystical spirits a question. Preferably yes or no, but hopefully open to a 'maybe' answer.

David Oppegaard said...

Will I ever find true hapiness?

Will the Vikings ever win the Super Bowl?

Will Dire Straits get back together and tour someday?

Will Axel Rose ever release "Chinese Democracy", currently eight years in progress?

Something dirty said...

Apply this to all of your questions. In the past, a dark haired woman has made you (or the Vikings, Dire Straits, or Axel Rose) feel very vulnerable. In the present, there is bad luck involving a proper kind of lady (Vikings hitting on waitress's on the ol' boat?). In the future, secrets involving love will lead to a mistake (heh) that you may be able to avoid by working diligently. The outcome: ok, this card is called "The Master". It sort of looks like Dick Cheney and it's upside down. So it's the opposite of Cheney, which I think has to be good. So, yes to all of the above. Maybe the last 3 will happen on the same day, that's what will bring you true happiness.

David Oppegaard said...

Woah. This means the Vikings have to win the Super Bowl someday. Not only that, it will have to be within Dire Strait's lifetime, which can't be more than twenty more years or something. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

Yep, viruses, bacteria. Those little fuckers. I watched a PBS documentary last night about killer viruses (no cable). It was actually good, and pretty scary... when serious viral bugs mutate and can no longer be controlled by antibiotics. Don't worry -- I'm pretty sure you don't have a mutant strand of TB. Eating well and praying to the goddess of health will help you recover quickly.

Brad Pitt narrated the documentary. He's got a hot voice. That's probaby the real reason i'm still thinking about the show. hmph. Has pitt given up acting to work only behind the microphone? eriak

David Oppegaard said...

Whoa Jesus, I'm high as a kite today.

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