Blogagaard Fixes Home Modem His Damn Self

That's right, you heard me, people. It took me what, a week? And some help from Mike? But I, and I alone, have installed this very modem I am typing to you upon.

I think you could say I've been to hell and back again, and now I must a BAT OUTTA HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!


Lucas said...

Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself. Fixing electronic equipment without electocuting oneself or burning the house down is a marvelous accomplishment. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, if only you knew the truth :-)

David Oppegaard said...

Yeah, I actually did manage to electrocute myself. Who knew unplugged computers still held a charge?

Lucas said...

Yes, but is your house still standing? Because that and the repaired hard drive still equal success!

Something dirty said...

Rental cars in Israel? Finally!

Anonymous said...

Wow, finally, my dream of seeing the middle east in my very own Israli rental can come true. Thank you, you anonymous samaritan!

neha said...

email like bat out (of) hell?!?


Something dirty said...

I'm fresh out of hell myself. May I borrow a cup from the bat?

Working on Saturday is supercool.

David Oppegaard said...

I don't know, Something Dirty. Working on Saturday? Why does the cable company need to work that hard?

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