The Lying Sack of Crap

One of the patients at the eye and psychology clinic I work at just referred to GW Bush as that "lying sack of crap". Ah, what an apt analogy, or rather, description of our Leader in Chief. He is like a cartoon villain, like the coyote you can blow up a thousand times, yet he does not die. Now I understand what the crazy right thought Clinton was like. Why has such a man come to govern us in these strange times? Do we, as a country, deserve this idiot? He is the humble pie intelligent Americans are forced to eat, or rather, choke down everyday. The quickest snippet of audio from any Bush speech is enough to fill me with irrationally strong rage. Do I hate him because I am a Texas accent away from being just like him? Are we all that close to swaggering about in cowboy boots, mispronouncing the simplest words?


L said...

Dave, the world is like high school. G.W. is the rich kid whose family has a big farm outside of town. He drives a new red Dodge pickup. He pitches on the baseball team and is a running back in the fall. He throws most excellent keggers at his parents' gravel pit. He gives all his friends excellent nicknames. He tells inappropriate jokes. He is voted Most Popular. Al Gore is the president of the debate team. He gives the valedictorian speech at the end of the year. He is beaten behind the maintenance shed by thick-armed farm boys with large swaths of leather from the industrial arts room.

Geoff Herbach said...

Wouldn't it be excellent to be one of the thick-armed farm boys? I'm tired of being a geek. I want to be a rich bastard with no brain power to know I'm a dipshit, just like G.W.

Steph Wilbur Ash said...

If G.W. is that kid I hate him! I'm going to bring him down with a computer program I write that makes the computer say "G.W. is a lying sack of shit!" every time someone presses the return key on any of the school computers, or I bring him down with my amazing performance as Gertie in Oklahoma. That will show him! That will show EVERYONE!

But then I might not get invited to his parties...Do you think I will get invited to his parties? I mean, I did give him my answers in World History, and he gave me a ride home from track practice once...

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