The Sweet Sound of Electricity
About a week ago I moved into a new apartment. Across the street, totally visible from my kitchen window, is an electric facility of some kind. It is a single, freestanding building that is surrounded by a metal fence, and along the top this fence run three strands of barbed wire (it practically screams "go away, terrorists!"). Sometimes Excel Energy trucks park in front of it and Excel employees mow its lawn.
I have no idea what this building does, but I do enjoy the exciting feeling that comes from so much humming electricity so near to me. Perhaps it will aid me in my quest to discern Ultimate Reality, acting as a sort of conduit, or perhaps booster, to my already highly caffeinated mind.
Without electricty what would the world be like? Boring, I can tell you that much. Have you seen the TV show Little House on the Prarie lately?
Without electricity, our wars would be fought over the oil from whales. Our mortal enemy? Norway! And all things Norweigan! until we could colonize them in the name of democracy and take their whales as our own.
I heard that if you live too close to electrical facilities you'll develop some kind of tumor or suffer a massive brain ambolysm. I probably misspelled that last one....whatever it was, I'm sure it isn't as bad as an actual brain ambolism. Or ambohlysim. Those suck.
Noah, I think the word you're looking for is ambutrosity. And no, I am not worried about having an ambutrosity. I am worried about what will happen if I don't have one.
Nellie Olson from Little House really turns me on. So mean and rich and pretty. I could live without electricity as long as I got my Nellie (and a Lexus SUV for her to drive me around in).
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