Life is still SHORT

Getting back to my November 10th post, life is still short. Have you kissed that person you should have kissed years ago? Have you told them you loved them, no matter what? You have no one to answer to, except yourself. I cannot stress this enough. Hell, in this state I can barely spell it.

The bombs are falling.

Except, they're not the kind you expect.


Becca said...

I went back and read Nov. 10 and like the philosophy. Seems as though you had a successful evening or a frustrating one...

Time to search for some long-lost kiss options.

Geoff Herbach said...

You are beautiful, drunken Blop Oppegaard.

Jeff Smieding said...

If you want to kiss me, Blogi, you're too late. I'm married.

Also, I agree that life is too short. But then I think that reincarnation is probably true, and then wonder if time isn't linear, and consequently, if life isn't too long, considering that you have to live every life that ever existed before getting to heaven or nirvana or whatever.

Kelly Coyle said...


Reincarnation means Dave has probably already kissed you. All over. And over again.

David Oppegaard said...

Reincarnation could very well be true, but I don't see why it has to be particularly logical. Maybe some people live twenty lifetimes, and some live three. Just like some babies die, and some people outlive Dick Clark. If that's possible. If I come back again, I'd like to be a polar bear.

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